Sitting With Self

I'll be honest with you.
The weeks since the city of Los Angeles and the rest of the world have "re-opened" have actually been the moments where I've seemed to slow down the most since March of 2020.

I was ferociously blessed with abundance, tons of work opportunities + community growth throughout the pandemic.

I seamlessly pivoted into what I had been crafting, building towards and calling in for so long; a deep dive into my own personal practices, an online presence, an in-home hot yoga studio, curating multiple retreats per year with domestic and international locations, taking distance from people and things that were no longer serving my path, traveling as a form of self-care, cultivating relationships with like minded humans, expanding my reach globally, to name a few.

Then the world re-opened and it seemed my timeline was different from that of most everyone else. I suddenly felt the urge to do less. To slow down and literally do more of nothing. To marinate in the discomfort of shedding layers and the squirms of unhurried continual growth. I felt the call to pause.

In these moments I need to remind mySelf that a slower pace is not a reflection of my worth, my output or my ability to have an effect on the world in a positive and impactful way.

I'm sharing because I know some of you are feeling similarly, because I know that I'm not alone and we're all in this together. I don't really have an answer or an end to this thought. I just know that the Universe always presents me with exactly what I need and this moment in time is no different.




Stand In Your Truth


And So It Is