Eagle Eye


Eagles are said to have wildly clear vision. They are vigilant and watchful, observant with far superior eyesight than most other creatures. If someone has an eagle eye, they look at things carefully, with a heightened sense of awareness.

The eagle posture invokes the mythic bird; its qualities of strength, flexibility + endurance. This variation, headstand with eagle legs, creates stillness while in the face of adversity. It takes laser beam focus in order to balance, teaches unwavering concentration, a steady gaze, an eagle’s sight. That concentration, that steadiness, creates an actual calming, a stimulant and sedative all at once: an immediate awareness, and a steady mind.

With poise + grace, the eagle soars high above. The eagles clarity maintains its centeredness, no matter what. We can learn a lot from just this one characteristic of the eagle. To step back and see the β€˜big picture’,
re-focus our attention on the vision, and maintain that connection, whatever comes our way.
From there, we see clearly.

The eagle pose gives us an opportunity to have an embodied experience of being bound and contracted, and in contrast, as we release the pose, to feel the freedom of openness, expansion, fortitude and tenacity.

How wildly similar to the condition of the human experience. Duality is always present. There will constantly be moments of discomfort, challenge, stickiness. But the magic lies in your ability to rise above; to stay centered, to come back to your vision, to keep going, to show up as your strongest Self.


🌳 my house


In Memory Of Dad

